Liberty Mutual Deductible Fund �

Save for the unexpected by lowering your deductible each year. Call us today to add it to your existing policy or begin your customized auto quote below.

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What's a Deductible Fund?

A deductible fund goes by many names, like "vanishing deductible" or "disappearing deductible" with rules that vary by company. Sort of like a rainy-day fund, it's a way to put money aside, in case you need it in the future.

In general, the Liberty Mutual Deductible Fund breaks down like this

How it works

First, what is a deductible? A deductible is the initial amount you pay out of pocket toward a claim before your coverage kicks in (even if you're not at fault).

In general, the Liberty Mutual Deductible fund breaks down like this

Please note, after year 5, you'll continue to earn and save beyond $500.

Are there any requirements for the Liberty Mutual Deductible Fund?

Yes. Although the Deductible Fund is an optional coverage, you need to have Collision Coverage with a deductible to qualify.