1 Patient360 Healthcare Dashboard

Dashboard 1: Patient Overview
The Tableau healthcare dashboard example provides an overview of patient statistics within a healthcare system. This dashboard has a professional design, probably which has been created using Figma. It includes:

Tableau Healthcare Dashboard Examples - Patient360 Healthcare Dashboard

Dashboard 2: Patient Portal
The second Tableau dashboard example offers a detailed view of a single patient’s medical history. It features:

Tableau Healthcare Dashboard Examples - Patient360 Healthcare Dashboard

Business Utility

For Healthcare Providers
These dashboards could significantly enhance a healthcare provider’s ability to manage patient data. They can improve patient tracking, identify trends in treatments, and facilitate resource allocation based on procedure frequency and visit patterns. Additionally, they can monitor the demographics of their patient base and adjust services to meet those needs better.

For Patient Care
Having detailed individual patient histories accessible through a portal can aid in personalized care planning, quick access to medical history for emergencies, and better patient-provider communication.


Types of Charts

  1. Line Charts – These are used to display the trends over time for various metrics such as “Total Patients”, “Total Procedures”, “Total Encounters”, and “Total Visits”. Each chart has points indicating specific data entries over the two dates displayed, August 29, 2021, and February 27, 2022.
  2. Donut Charts – This chart is used to show the distribution of patients by gender. It clearly divides the total number of patients into male and female categories, enhancing the visual understanding of gender distribution among patients.
  3. Bar Charts – Multiple bar charts are utilized to represent data such as the “Average Age” of patients, number of “Procedures” by type, “Encounters” by finding, and “Visits” at various health facilities. These charts help compare different categories visually, making it easy to assess which categories are more significant or require attention.

2 Healthcare – Length of Stay

Dashboard Contents

The dashboard is a comprehensive Length of Stay (LOS) Report for a healthcare facility. It includes the following sections:

Tableau Healthcare Dashboard Examples - Healthcare - Length of Stay

Business Utility

This LOS report is a valuable tool for managing hospital efficiency and patient care. It allows healthcare administrators to track and analyze the duration of patient stays against targets, which is crucial for optimizing hospital bed management, improving patient outcomes, and controlling costs. Understanding LOS patterns can also aid in staffing decisions and predicting future patient care needs.


3 GP Healthcare in England

Dashboard Descriptions

General Practice Healthcare Overview
This Tableau healthcare dashboard example would typically feature key performance indicators (KPIs) such as the number of registered patients, average patient demographics, appointment wait times, visit frequency, and regional distribution of practices. It might also include financial data such as GP earnings and performance metrics like patient satisfaction scores. These dashboards appear to have been created with a Figma background also.

Tableau Healthcare Dashboard Examples - GP Healthcare in England

Workforce Analysis
A workforce dashboard in a healthcare setting would likely display the total number of GPs, nurses, and administrative staff, trends in staffing levels, diversity statistics, and other workforce-related metrics such as retention rates and full-time equivalent (FTE) positions.

Types of Charts

  1. Diverging Bar Chart – This chart is used to display GP earnings across different regions, comparing current year (CY) earnings with previous year (PY) earnings. The bars diverge from a central axis, indicating increases or decreases relative to the previous year, which makes it easy to visualize changes across multiple categories.
  2. Column Charts – These are used to show the number of registered patients, male and female patients, and the total number of GPs and practices over two different periods (August 2023 vs. August 2022). The columns help compare these figures side-by-side, providing a clear visual representation of year-on-year changes.
  3. Line Charts – Displayed under “Patient and Practice Trends Over Time”, these line charts track changes over time in metrics such as the number of GPs, the number of practices, and average patients per practice. These charts help visualize trends and fluctuations over a defined period.

Tableau Healthcare Dashboard Examples - GP Healthcare in England

Appointment Scheduling and Attendance
This dashboard shows data on appointment bookings, cancellations, no-show rates, appointment types (e.g., in-person, telephone, online), and patient flow throughout the day or week.

Tableau Healthcare Dashboard Examples - GP Healthcare in England

Quality of Care and Performance
Another possible dashboard might focus on practice ratings, patient outcomes, service quality indicators, and compliance with healthcare standards.

Tableau Healthcare Dashboard Examples - GP Healthcare in England

Comparative Analysis
This type of dashboard allows for comparison between different GP practices or regions, highlighting variations in practice performance, patient demographics, or health outcomes.

Tableau Healthcare Dashboard Examples - GP Healthcare in England

Business Utility of Tableau Healthcare Dashboard Examples

Healthcare Administration and Management
Such dashboards are valuable for managing healthcare services efficiently. They provide insights into patient needs, resource allocation, staff performance, and quality of care.

Operational Optimization
Data on appointments and workforce can inform scheduling, optimize patient flow, and improve resource management.

Strategic Planning
Comparative analysis tools support strategic decision-making, enabling healthcare providers to benchmark performance and set improvement goals.


4 The Shape of HealthCare Spending – Tableau Healthcare Dashboard Examples

Dashboard Descriptions

The Tableau healthcare dashboard example presents a comparative analysis of healthcare spending by category across various OECD countries. Typically, such dashboards include:

Tableau Healthcare Dashboard Examples - The Shape of HealthCare Spending

Business Utility

For businesses in the healthcare industry or policymakers, this kind of dashboard offers valuable insights into how resources are allocated in different healthcare systems. It can guide decision-making regarding investment, resource allocation, and policy development by comparing the efficiency and priorities of various national healthcare systems.

Beneficiaries of Tableau Healthcare Dashboard Examples

5 Rural Hospital Closures

Dashboard Descriptions

The dashboard is an infographic titled “95 Rural Hospitals Have Closed Their Doors Between 2010 and 2018”. It would typically feature:

  1. Map Visualization: Showing the locations of rural hospital closures across the United States, with a specific focus on states like Texas, which has a significant number of closures.
  2. Expansion Explanation: A section detailing the impact of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) on rural hospitals, including the reduction of federal government payouts over time.
  3. The Problem: Discussion on the consequences for states that did not expand Medicaid, including higher uninsured rates and increased pressure on hospitals.
  4. The Impact: Presentation of research findings on how hospital closures affect rural residents’ access to health care services.
  5. Timeline of Closures: A bar chart showing the number of rural hospitals closed each year from 2010 to 2018.

Tableau Healthcare Dashboard Examples - Rural Hospital Closures

Business Utility of Tableau Healthcare Dashboard Examples

This dashboard would be useful for healthcare administrators, policymakers, and healthcare strategists to understand the consequences of policy changes on rural healthcare infrastructure. It provides insights into the trends in hospital closures and the broader implications for healthcare access in rural communities.


6 Fitbit Fitness Dashboard | Activity Tracker | Health Analysis

Dashboard Descriptions

The Tableau healthcare dashboard example are from a fitness-tracking application like Fitbit. They would typically feature:

Tableau Healthcare Dashboard Examples - Fitbit Fitness Dashboard | Activity Tracker | Health Analysis

Business Utility

For businesses in the health and wellness sector, such dashboards provide comprehensive data to understand user engagement with fitness products. This information can inform product development, marketing strategies, and customer engagement initiatives.

Beneficiaries of Tableau Healthcare Dashboard Examples

7 NHS Hospital Admitted Patient Care Activity

Dashboard Descriptions

Based on the description, the dashboard appears to be a visualization of NHS hospital-admitted patient care activity. It would typically include:

Tableau Healthcare Dashboard Examples - NHS Hospital Admitted Patient Care Activity

Business Utility of Tableau Healthcare Dashboard Examples

For the NHS and healthcare providers, this dashboard is an essential tool for understanding patient demographics, managing hospital capacity, and streamlining patient flow. It helps in identifying high-demand specialties, allocating resources effectively, and setting priorities for emergency and routine care.


8 Coronavirus (COVID-19) Cases

Dashboard Descriptions

The described dashboard is a “Global COVID-19 Tracker” which would typically include:

Tableau Healthcare Dashboard Examples - Coronavirus (COVID-19) Cases

Business Utility

This dashboard provides real-time tracking of the pandemic, which is crucial for businesses that require up-to-date information to navigate the evolving situation. It can aid in risk assessment, strategic planning, and decision-making, especially for businesses with international operations or those in the healthcare sector.


9 Disease-Related Death

Dashboard Descriptions of Tableau Healthcare Dashboard Examples

The dashboard displays a series of choropleth maps representing the percent change in deaths per 100,000 people from 1980 to 2014 in the United States, broken down by county and specific health conditions:

Tableau Healthcare Dashboard Examples - Disease-Related Death

The colour coding on the maps indicates areas of increase or decrease in death rates for each condition, allowing for a visual comparison of health outcomes across different regions.

Business Utility

Such a dashboard can be particularly useful for healthcare businesses, including pharmaceutical companies, healthcare providers, and insurance companies, by identifying trends in public health that can influence business strategies such as targeted drug development, health services provision, and insurance product offerings.


10 Kidney Transplants Dashboard

Dashboard Descriptions

This dashboard is focused on kidney donation statistics in the United States:

Tableau Healthcare Dashboard Examples - Kidney Transplants Dashboard

Business Utility of Tableau Healthcare Dashboard Examples

This type of dashboard is an excellent resource for healthcare organizations, non-profits, and government agencies involved in organ donation and transplantation. It can help track progress, identify areas with high demand, and measure the impact of awareness campaigns and policy changes.


Tableau Healthcare Dashboard Examples – Conclusion

In conclusion, the ten Tableau healthcare dashboard examples we’ve explored illuminate the profound impact that data visualization has on the healthcare industry. By providing an intersection between complex data and intuitive design, these dashboards empower healthcare professionals to make informed, data-driven decisions swiftly.

From managing patient flow to analyzing treatment outcomes, each dashboard serves as a beacon, guiding the path towards operational excellence and elevated patient care. As we continue to navigate the vast sea of healthcare data, Tableau’s dashboards stand out as essential navigational tools, steering us towards a future where data’s potential to heal and improve lives is fully realized. Don’t hesitate to contact us about creating a healthcare dashboard for your business!