Updating Your Submitted Law School Applications

In last week's post about letters of continued interest, I referred to a "duty to update," and this week I'll say a little more about that.

As Ivey Files readers know, I strongly recommend that people submit their applications early in the admissions season, ideally before the end of November. So what happens after you hit the submit button? All applications I know of include language imposing a duty on you to update your applications after you submit them and while they are still pending.

What kinds of updates do they mean? Obviously, they don't need to know that you broke up with your girlfriend, or that you finally perfected your holiday turducken (yum!). They're talking about updates to your application -- no more, no less.


Your duty to update requires you to notify schools of any parts of your applications that have changed since you submitted them. For many applications, that would include things like:


Is there such a thing as an unnecessary or superfluous update? You bet. I often see people write update letters that dwarf the length of their personal statements, and that's overkill.

Most commonly, I've seen people give blow-by-blow accounts of every little thing they do all day long in their new role as Junior Intern to the Assistant Deputy Chief of Communications for Senator So-And-So, or as Underling Case Assistant at Fancypants Law Firm, P.C. Guess what? In most cases, the blow-by-blow account is just not that interesting to the rest of the world. More importantly, if the application did not invite (or give you space for) that level of detail the first go-round, you shouldn't get much more granular in your update. Treat admissions officers' time as valuable. It will not help your cause if they conclude you're a pest.

Any other application updates that you have questions about? Please post in the comments.

Former Dean of Admissions at the University of Chicago Law School and a recovering lawyer, Anna Ivey founded Ivey Consulting to help college, law school, and MBA applicants navigate the admissions process. Read more admissions tips in The Ivey Guide to Law School Admissions, recently updated and available as an e-book. Follow Anna on Twitter (@annaivey).