Polio Vaccination for International Travelers

Woman using computer on airplane

People who plan to travel internationally should make sure they are fully vaccinated against polio before departure.

When visiting a country where there is increased risk of exposure to poliovirus, the government of that country may require you to show proof of polio vaccination on your yellow International Certificate of Vaccination or Prophylaxis (ICVP) when departing that country.



Adults who are unvaccinated against polio should complete a primary vaccination series of 3 doses:

If an adult cannot complete the above series before traveling, an accelerated schedule (3 doses of IPV administered at least 4 weeks apart) is recommended.

Adults who are incompletely vaccinated (got only 1 or 2 doses of polio vaccine in the past) should get the remaining 1 or 2 doses of IPV (administered at least 4 weeks apart) before departure.

Adults who are fully vaccinated and who plan to travel to a country where there is an increased risk of exposure to poliovirus, may receive a one-time booster dose of IPV.

Talk to your healthcare provider for more information or visit: