Fake Text Maker

World's simplest browser-based utility for generating fake text. Load your text in the input form on the left, adjust the fakeness level in the options, and you'll instantly get new text with some letters replaced with visually indistinguishable fake letters in the output area. Powerful, free, and fast. Created by developers from team Browserling.

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Fake Text Maker

World's Simplest Text Tool

World's simplest browser-based utility for generating fake text. Load your text in the input form on the left, adjust the fakeness level in the options, and you'll instantly get new text with some letters replaced with visually indistinguishable fake letters in the output area. Powerful, free, and fast. Created by developers from team Browserling.

Learn How to Use

Input Text Import from file Copy to clipboard Export to Pastebin Can't convert. An error has occured. Chain with. Remove chain Copy to clipboard Export to Pastebin Remove no tools ? This tool cannot be chained.
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Commercial Use Use our text tools for commercial use. No Wait Time Skip the download wait timer and download the text instantly. Unlimited Usage Use all text tools as many times per day as you want to. Instant Download Skip this dialog and download the text with a single click. You'll not see a single advertisement. Instant Copy-to-clipboard Copy the text to clipboard with a single click. Free plan limit reached Copy to clipboard Upgrade to Premium
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Commercial Use Use our text tools for commercial use. No Wait Time Skip the download wait timer and download the text instantly. Unlimited Usage Use all text tools as many times per day as you want to. Instant Download Skip this dialog and download the text with a single click. You'll not see a single advertisement. Instant Copy-to-clipboard Copy the text to clipboard with a single click. Free plan limit reached Download Upgrade to Premium
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Commercial Use Use our text tools for commercial use. No Wait Time Skip the download wait timer and download the text instantly. Unlimited Usage Use all text tools as many times per day as you want to. Instant Download Skip this dialog and download the text with a single click. You'll not see a single advertisement. Instant Copy-to-clipboard Copy the text to clipboard with a single click. Free plan limit reached Close Upgrade to Premium

Fake Punctuation

Generate Fake Punctuation Replace the punctuation marks "!.;,-" with visually identical but fake symbols.

Fake Spaces

Generate Fake Spaces Replace regular whitespace characters with visually identical but fake whitespaces. Add Invisible Spacing Paste zero-width spaces between all text characters.

Visualize Fake Symbols

Display Fake Characters

Print only the fake symbols on the screen. Symbols that were not changed are displayed as the symbol "◌".

What Is a Fake Text Maker?

With this online tool, you can convert any text into a similar-looking but completely fake version of the text. The program replaces some letters, characters, and symbols in the text with visually similar but fake Unicode characters. The most common use case of this tool is creating tests for content filtering and moderation systems. The fake text can often bypass the filters and end up in the database and this tool lets you generate test cases for robust filters. For example, the word "hi" becomes "hі" that looks exactly the same as the original word but its second letter "і" is a fake character "i" that looks identical to the real one. The fake symbols are always indistinguishable from the original ones – they do not differ in shape, size, or style. By default, the program only replaces letters but by activating the "Generate Fake Punctuation" option, the program also replaces common punctuation marks, such as periods, exclamation marks, commas, semicolons, and hyphens with their fake versions. By enabling the "Generate Fake Spaces" option, you can also replace all space characters with fake spaces. The "Add Invisible Spacing" option inserts zero-width spaces between all text characters, further spoofing any text. For example, the phrase "wolves howl at the moon" will become "wоlvеѕ hоwl аt thе mооn" – and here every letter is separated by a zero-width space that you can't see (but can copy/paste). Finally, the "Display Fake Characters" option shows only the fake characters in the output text. It replaces all regular characters with the symbol "◌" and it's useful for quickly identifying fake letters among all the text characters. Textabulous!

What Is a Fake Text Maker?

With this online tool, you can convert any text into a similar-looking but completely fake version of the text. The program replaces some letters, characters, and symbols in the text with visually similar but fake Unicode characters. The most common use case of this tool is creating tests for content filtering and moderation systems. The fake text can often bypass the filters and end up in the database and this tool lets you generate test cases for robust filters. For example, the word "hi" becomes "hі" that looks exactly the same as the original word but its second letter "і" is a fake character "i" that looks identical to the real one. The fake symbols are always indistinguishable from the original ones – they do not differ in shape, size, or style. By default, the program only replaces letters but by activating the "Generate Fake Punctuation" option, the program also replaces common punctuation marks, such as periods, exclamation marks, commas, semicolons, and hyphens with their fake versions. By enabling the "Generate Fake Spaces" option, you can also replace all space characters with fake spaces. The "Add Invisible Spacing" option inserts zero-width spaces between all text characters, further spoofing any text. For example, the phrase "wolves howl at the moon" will become "wоlvеѕ hоwl аt thе mооn" – and here every letter is separated by a zero-width space that you can't see (but can copy/paste). Finally, the "Display Fake Characters" option shows only the fake characters in the output text. It replaces all regular characters with the symbol "◌" and it's useful for quickly identifying fake letters among all the text characters. Textabulous!